Notepad Chaos Blogger Templates English

After checking your suggestions i decided to convert Arthemia Wordpress template but i thought that it would be very simple and would not look like original version , and then i decided to convert SmashingMagazine’s Notepad Chaos Wordpress Template which looks very very stylish with its illustrated design.
It has really beautiful illustration which makes me convert it , its 2 column , it has a cool navigation menu and a custom search bar , at the bottom there is a place for you which gives you the chance of writing about yourself and its totally free! [.....]

3 yorum:

Adsız dedi ki...

Hola..como hiciste para modificar lo que estaba en ingles a tu idioma?? Yo las quiero pasar a español.

Adsız dedi ki...

me refiero a la temple Notepad

★PACO★™ dedi ki...

hi 1 quest how did you change the language in english to your language please coment back

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